
What Cosmetic Dentistry Can Do for Your Wellbeing and Oral Health

Written by Mariano Castro Jul 8 • 1 minute read

Cosmetic dentistry makes most dental patients think of treatment that focuses on only appearances. Often the first cosmetic procedures brought to mind are teeth whitening, bleaching or veneers.

However, these procedures often yield positive oral health benefits for patients. Here are some reasons why cosmetic dentistry is about more than making your smile look picture-perfect.

- Crowns strengthen teeth. Crowns are used to protect weak or worn teeth that have undergone some form of dental trauma. Crowns simultaneously strengthen the teeth they cover, and allow them to look healthy. Crowns are not only cosmetically appealing but also effective in promoting great dental health.

- Orthodontics prevents jaw joint problems.  Over 4 million people in the United States wear braces, a treatment that can be considered an extension of cosmetic dentistry, as braces make your smile look well-aligned and attractive. But braces also correct jaw position, relieve jaw joint disorders, and alleviate chronic headaches caused by an irregular bite.

- Dental implants strengthen bone and boost oral function. Prior to dental implants, patients’ options for replacing missing teeth were restricted to dentures and bridges. The benefits of implant dentistry include improved jawbone health, speech improvement, and the ability to once again enjoy food with renewed strength for biting and chewing. Implants also prevent the misalignment of adjacent teeth.

- Enamel shaping and contouring can making brushing and flossing easier.  This cosmetic procedure corrects crooked or overlapping teeth, improves bite, and makes irregular teeth look more balanced. Teeth that do not overlap are much easier to keep clean, and having a balanced bite helps properly distribute the pressure of daily oral function, like biting and chewing.

There are many more instances where cosmetic dentistry can contribute to more than your outward appearance. If you feel that you would benefit from aesthetic dental treatments, contact Smileneeds Dental to learn more about simultaneously improving your confidence and overall dental health.


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